Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons

As the old saying goes... when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

I've always been an optimist, a half-full kind of gal. Most the time, that is. My husband and I joke that sometimes I need to live up to my blood type, which B+ (as in "be positive").  Sometimes I need that reminder.  Let's face it, we live in a world of snappy put downs and critics of every topic imaginable from fashion to politics to movies - you name it.  Sometimes just by expressing our opinions, we're not being intentionally negative, but we might see situations differently that another. But for the most part, I'm able to see the silver lining. The rainbow through the storm.  In fact, I'm teaching my children, (at least I hope I am) that you have to choose to look for these bright spots in life.  My children are still relatively young so we talk about "Are you an Eyore or a Tigger" as in, do you choose to be downcast and dreary like Eyore or are you upbeat and bouncy like Tigger.  When it's all said and done, it's a choice.

Like the Psalmists put it so eloquently so many years ago, "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and My God."  -Psalm 43:5  It's not saying that you won't be downcast. It's not saying that your soul won't be disturbed. In fact, it's providing insight that when you soul feels downcast that your'e to seek to figure out the reason why.  Not to numb it or avoid it or bury it and move on, but to figure out why.  And when all hope seems lost, what ever it is that you were hoping for when life gave you lemons, we're to put our hope in God.  Is there really anything else that can satisfy?  And then next clue and insight is to choose to praise Him. To thank Him for all the many ways he's blessed you. Yes, even thank him for the lemons.  And then, add a little sugar, a little water, maybe a bit more sugar, stir... and let HIM satisfy your thirst.

Sincerely, your Soul Spa Sister