Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cracking the Code

I keep trying to crack the code on my now forty-something female body.  She keeps throwing curves at me - literally! I remember a shift when I approached thirty, but this forty-something is something else!  I've decided that carbs are not my friend and exercise is no longer optional.  That said, I've also decided to finally take my wise friend's advice when she told me that "We introverts must take care of ourselves as a diabetic would care for his or herself with their condition." Solitude is that important.  Quiet time with the Lord - in solitude - is no longer just an indulgence for me when all my other chores are done, kids quietly napping, laundry spinning, dishes put away and then I finally make a cup of tea and sit down to pray and study… nope. That's not my reality anymore - if it ever was!? I have four busy boys that usually wake me up with one of them slipping into my bed for some pre-dawn snuggling and then we're off to the races until typically ten at night.  Add in a late night grocery run like tonight (me along with all the other mothers counting down the days until school starts again next week and we'll see each other in the aisles in daylight again!) and that's why you find me typing at 1:15 in the morning!  It  may seem strange perhaps that midnight grocery shopping and dieting and quiet time routines are all jumbled together in one blog post - but this is my life.  And it IS all jumbled together. And I need to crack the code. I need to find balance. Or a routine. Or more hours in the day or something. But it all starts with admitting I need to change. So there. I said it. I need to change. I need to become a disciplined forty-something woman. Want to join me on this adventure?  I think I'm going to need some traveling companions.