Thursday, September 25, 2014

Joy Bursts

It's silly, but sometimes, it's the simplest things in life that can bring us little bursts of joy.  Recently, for me, it was new socks.  I know, it sounds strange, but… You see, I've been needing new running socks for about four years. Why is it that it's so much easier to buy wants instead of needs? Or I take care of my kid's needs (and wants) but not my own. So, it was a rare occasion that I found myself remembering while I was at the store that I needed to get some socks. (And not just when I'm standing in my closet.)  I was looking at the package of all white socks and realizing that they cost more than I had remembered. Maybe with the economic downturn sock prices have increased in the past four years? Regardless, I put them back on the sock hanger and noticed a package of white socks with multi-colored edges that would show around your ankle. And then looking closer, I noticed they were five dollars less. It made me change my opinion from "Who would want those?" to "Mmmm, those wouldn't be so bad." Always a deal hunter, I bought them.  Now the proud owner of green, blue, purple, pink and two white pairs of new running socks is actually matching her outfits to her socks! And as silly as it seems, that little flash of color that's coordinated to my jog bra of the day is adding a little spring in my step.  A little burst of joy - right there on my ankles!  I think this is one small, tangible way we are able to grasp that we are to ENJOY this life we're given.  Take a risk. Add a dash of color to your life. And see if it adds a little glimmer of joy.  And if it does.  Say a simple "thank you" to the one who made joy possible. (And I'm not talking about the sock manufacturer!)

May you seek a little spring in your step today.