Monday, March 9, 2015

Soul Trainer

At the conclusion of our first Soul Spa Retreat, a new friend and Soul Sister stood up and shared that she willingly pays a personal trainer to put her through the paces of an exercise routine. Then she declared she had a new name for me, her "Soul Trainer." She continued, that she willingly paid to attend our retreat and she entrusted me to put her through the paces to help her tend to her soul.  I feel honored that anyone would entrust me with their soul! And I was completely humbled that the room full of Soul Spa Sisters who not only attended, but trusted me enough to attend. And I am honored to be considered anyone's "Soul Trainer"!

I can't help but note the difference, however, that we "work out" our bodies. Push ourselves to the limits, raise our heart rates to fat-burning levels, count our steps and our calories and deprive ourselves indulgences in order to maintain or lose weight and meet our fitness goals.

Soul tending is the exact opposite!  Even the words differ - "work out" verses "soul tending".  One sounds painful, the other a more gentle process, almost like gardening - nurturing, keeping, weeding, tending. Instead of depriving our souls of the much needed attention of which they are starved, instead, we indulge in a little quiet time and space. To sing praises to the Lord and let Him rejoice over us with His singing.  Instead of running and hurrying and pushing ourselves to the limits, we try to be still and know that He is God.  Instead of raising our heartbeats, we quiet ourselves and try to let the Spirit be the only thing to quicken our pulse. Instead of counting calories we live in the moment and try to make each day count. We quiet the outside world that says "Just do it", "Be all that you can be", "push yourself", "make something of yourself" and instead we listen to that still small voice that says "I have loved you with an everlasting love. Nothing you do can separate you from that love.  As far as the east is from the west, so you, too are from your transgressions."  And then instead of running as far as we can comprehend that distance to be, instead, we marvel that someone else has already run the race in our place. 

One other difference of note: with working out we arrive with a goal in mind. With soul tending - we simply arrive, with an open mind.  Open to where the Lord will guide us.

And we soon discover that unlike other indulgences that leave us feeling guilty and uncomfortably stuffed - instead when we indulge in spiritual nourishment, we feel a satisfaction deep within yet we come away hungry for more! 

So as your newly appointed "Soul Trainer" let me encourage you in a way your personal trainer probably never has: to indulge regularly, tend gently, and be still and know that He is God.

I'm hungry for more time with my Soul Sisters, too! How about you?

A sweet gift from a Soul Sister….
a painting that actually says "Soul Sisters"!
The taller one says "I heart your heart"
Couldn't put it better myself!
I heart your heart!
Your Soul Sister!